Author: Scott Schatzle

Intentional Gratitude

Tis the season of gratitude. Thanksgiving is perhaps one of the most underappreciated holidays, but most needed. Given the difficult markets we have endured this year, being thankful may not come so easy. It may be necessary to practice intentional gratitude.  

There are so many things beyond our individual control – the vitriol in the media, strong political opinions, and the financial markets to name a few. These will continue with us, and if we aren’t careful could consume our thoughts, feelings, and our personal degree of contentment.

One way to create happiness, despite whatever circumstances we are in, is to practice gratitude. We may not be able to control our circumstances, but we control whether we choose to be grateful. We should be thankful for much; in fact, we probably don’t spend enough time counting our blessings. And that is life. While we do our best to be thankful, it is often short-lived.

Choosing to See the Good

With every decision, every life event, it is our choice to see the good in it. Even bad outcomes and decisions can be significant positives if we learn from them and become a better person. But we must choose that.

There are people who are thankful for the smallest things – you probably know a few. They are like magnets. We want to be around them because they exude love and joy. And then there those who are impossible to please, those we can’t wait to get away from. Who do you want to be this holiday season? Like it or not, we tend to take on traits of those we surround ourselves with. Want to be more grateful? Spend more time with people who practice gratitude regularly.

Thank You

I am grateful for you. Thank you for your trust and confidence in me. Thank you for the privilege to know and work with you. Thank you for taking my advice, even when it goes against what may feel right. Thank you for being a patient investor, I know it’s not always easy, especially this year. And thank you for choosing me as your partner on this journey.   

– Scott

©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network

Everything is Transitory

Last year we were told that inflation was transitory. This year we learn that it is more persistent. And now investors have entered a bear market. Investors may be wondering how transitory or persistent this bear market may be. I wish we knew, but those kinds of things are only known after the fact. But recalling historical events can help us put today’s circumstances in correct perspective.

Big Historical Events Were Transitory

The Great Depression was transitory. So was the Civil War and every war mankind has engaged in. The Great Financial Crisis was transitory. Basically, anything that happens in life, no matter how long it lasts, is transitory so long as it has an end…eventually.

The definition of transitory is “of brief duration, not persistent.” But therein lies the ambiguity. How long is brief? How we define “brief” is subjective. It is based on the individual, the time horizon, and the activity undertaken. Is 30 minutes brief? Not if you are holding your breath. What if you are an investor? 30 minutes shouldn’t even register.

Transitory Events Can Cause Permanent Damage

We may amuse ourselves debating how transitory the bear market will be, but what really matters is that a bear market can cause great damage regardless of how transitory it is.

Millions have died in “transitory” wars. Many people suffer throughout their lives due some “transitory” abuse they experienced. Many investors had to significantly adjust their lifestyle from the transitory Great Financial Crisis because they sold during a transitory bear market and made their loss permanent.

Historically, the markets have never not recovered from a significant downturn. The adage, “this too shall pass” is embraced by some of the most successful investors. Investors that construct an investment portfolio in line with their situation, needs, goals, and risk preference may be able to better withstand the transitory bear markets.

How Do You Define Transitory?

Most investors have a long-term strategy and plan. But we may still be influenced to make financial decisions based on transitory headlines and market movements. One of the best things you can do during a difficult time in the market is ask yourself: Is this situation transitory? You will find that crises, while they may last a while, tend to be transitory as businesses and consumers adapt and adjust. Such perspective will help you stay the course during this bear market, and even be able to take advantage of others’ shortsightedness.

– Scott


©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network. Used with permission.

Chasing Returns

A favorite (and costly) pastime of investors is to invest in assets that have recently done well. This happens in good times as investors seek better returns, and they happen in bad times as low-yielding investments such as cash are more attractive than money-losing stocks. In other words, investors chase returns.

By investing in what just did well, investors are systematically buying after they witness gains elsewhere and selling after their assets experience loss. Chasing returns can feel very good at the time but comes with a real financial cost. Dalbar, Inc. estimates that equity investors underperformed the S&P 500 by roughly 6% per year over the last 20 years1.

Why We Chase Returns

There are two primary reasons it feels right to buy after we witness gains and sell after experiencing losses:

  1. We are greatly influenced by what just happened. Whenever we try to project the future, our brains are significantly influenced by what just happened. Things were just good implies that things will be good going forward, and vice versa.
  2. This is exacerbated by the narrative of the day. Our brains love a good story. We seek information to understand. When the market goes up, the narrative is often positive, leading us to feel good about the future. When the market goes down, the narrative is almost always negative, reinforcing a negative outlook.

Normal, But Not Beneficial

It is completely normal to invest in things we expect to go up and avoid assets we expect will go down. In fact, any rational person would do that as part of their investment strategy. But the problem is that markets move quickly and often surprisingly. Narratives are wonderful and can be quite accurate in hindsight. They can even increase our confidence in a certain viewpoint, but narratives offer no predictive ability in future outcomes.

This is why I advise you to remain disciplined to your plan and stay the course. I recognize this is not easy; temptations abound that are pleasing to our mind and feelings. But that is why you have me. Together, we can be aware of common investment pitfalls and ensure that all investment decisions are well-thought and in line with your stated objectives.

– Scott


©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network. Used with permission.

1. JP Morgan Guide to the Markets, July 2022.

If Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, What Does?

For centuries mankind has been searching for happiness. Regardless of culture, social status, or beliefs it seems that we are all connected by our desire to be happy. What makes someone happy and how much happiness we feel may be subjective. But there are a few fundamental principles that tend to detract and add to an individual’s happiness.

In difficult or uncertain financial times, it can be helpful to take a step back and assess what makes us happy and what doesn’t. The good news is that everything that leads to lasting happiness is in our control.

What Doesn’t Bring Happiness

Money, power, and prestige don’t bring happiness. Yes, they can provide certain opportunities that people may value, but they can also cause misery. The evidence is all around us. Money, power, and prestige can have insatiable appetites. Rather than feeling satisfied and content, we may feel urges to pursue more of it. This hedonic treadmill continues as we amass more, while never becoming satisfied.

The incessant pursuit of “more” often brings about negative feelings and behavior such as selfishness, backbiting, and egotism. Those are not the fruits of someone who is happy. But those are the qualities we see among many of the rich, famous, and powerful.

Three Drivers of Lasting Happiness

  1. Altruism/Selflessness. It is human nature to be selfish; us before them. Yet those that can rise above that instinct and sacrifice their own time, pleasure, and/or possessions for others find a huge return on investment. A return that is better than money.
  2. Positivity. There is so much negativity out there. In the daily news and even in comedy. Many seek laughs by putting other people down. It may provide a moment of thrill or happiness, but it is fleeting. We can find more enduring happiness by talking well about others and choosing to see the good in other people, even those we disagree with.
  3. Gratitude. People that demonstrate gratitude, especially for the little things, exude happiness. Gratitude helps us be less selfish, think highly of others, and keep our ego in check. Maybe we could say it’s the antithesis of unhappiness.

Our circumstances certainly play a role in how easy it is to feel happy, especially those moments when we experience a burst of intense happiness. But lasting happiness is more a function of how we think and act. While the world and markets may be uncertain and volatile, we can take comfort in knowing that much of our lasting happiness is within our control

– Scott


©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network. Used with permission.



Trusting Your Investment Decisions

Sometimes investing is easy, sometimes it is more difficult. The last decade, except for a handful of temporary corrections, has been relatively easy. It consisted of very low interest rates, low inflation, and lots of fiscal and monetary stimulus. And stock markets were quite positive. Since 2009, the S&P 500 annualized nearly 16%1.  So long as investors didn’t bail during one of the temporary corrections, they did quite well.

Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Investors face a very different environment today. While the future is always uncertain, today’s environment may be even more uncertain. We are living in a time of increasing inflation, increasing interest rates, and tighter fiscal and monetary policy. We aren’t used to this.

Making good decisions is always desirable. But when we face greater uncertainty, it is important that we trust whatever decision we make. A decision that looks to be “bad” in the short term can be quite profitable in the long run, and vice versa. So, how can we develop greater confidence in our decisions and trust them, even when they may not look so great in the short run?

Three Steps to Trusting Your Decisions

  1. Take Your Time. It is normal and natural to react to things based on emotions and intuition. The brain wants to solve things quickly, so we need to engage the reflective part of our brain by not reacting hastily and seeking additional information.
  2. Gather Information. We should spend a significant chunk of our time gathering information, including contradictory information. This helps us see things from various points of view rather than the loudest, or most repeated, viewpoints.
  3. Talk It Out With Me. I would love to help you gather information, ask the right questions, and have a thoughtful discussion. Including an honest and objective 3rd party to help you think and talk through things is one of the best things we can do anytime we face an important choice.

We cannot control nor predict the markets, and that is OK. Because we can control how we think, analyze, and respond to the markets. I have found that how investors respond has a significant impact on their ultimate results. I am here to help you obtain the best results, despite challenging markets.

– Scott


©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network. Used with permission.

1. S&P 500 Index from 01/01/2009 – 12/31/2021 with dividends reinvested. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index is a capitalization weighted index of 500 stocks designed to measure performance of the broad domestic economy through changes in the aggregate market value of 500 stocks representing all major industries. All indices are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly.

Power of Remembering

Memorial Day is a time of remembering, reflecting, and honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy today. The act of remembering often brings feelings of gratitude, love, and a desire to do good to others. It is positive and empowering.

While remembering can be very powerful with respect to certain holidays or important dates, such as anniversaries and birthdays, we don’t have to wait for a special day to unleash the power of remembering.

We can remember an individual, a circumstance, or any event in our life to get greater meaning and purpose from it. And, ironically enough, when we take time to remember and reflect on the past, we often develop better perspectives to tackle the future.

Remembering and Investing

As investors, we can also remember lessons we learned from the stock market and even through our own prior decisions. Every investor has made mistakes; the question is whether we remember those mistakes and have a plan to improve on it in the future.

For example, investors have a great ability to hold onto securities that have gone down in value. At least they can hold on to initial losses and/or for a certain period of time. But at some point, many investors get exhausted and impatient. They have a knack for selling en masse near market bottoms. That is because it is darkest near the bottom and imagining any recovery may seem like nonsense. “This time is different” they say.

And perhaps one of the most important things to remember during a period of temporary losses, especially those that may be swift and severe, is how much you have made over the past five or ten years. Taking a longer view can help us put the current commotion in proper perspective.

And that is the power of remembering. Whether it is remembering where our freedoms came from, important people in our life, or how the markets work, remembering improves our perspective and, therefore, can improve our future decisions, in life and with respect to money.

– Scott


©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network. Used with permission.

Some Thoughts on Thinking

The ability to think clearly and draw correct conclusions is necessary in everyday life, especially when it comes to making important decisions. But thinking critically is not natural; it’s not the way our brains are hardwired. Instead, we are hardwired to follow the path of least resistance, which often results in hasty and suboptimal decisions. This is especially prevalent when uncertainty, anxiety, and emotions are high.

Assumptions: Necessary, But Unreliable

Because we seldom have full information, we must rely on assumptions to fill in the information gaps. These necessary, but often spurious assumptions can cause flaws in our thinking and judgement. If information seems plausible, especially if it is part of a good “story”, our brains will accept it as fact and move on.

As investors, we may assume that an “expert”, who has a lot of experience and is a frequent contributor on financial shows, knows what will happen and have our best interests at heart. We also unconsciously (and falsely) attribute one’s confidence with one’s ability to correctly divine the future. As much as we wish it were true, it’s not.

Even when we have full information, we still don’t know how others will respond – such as with the global shut down. Who would have thought the market would tread higher even as countries and economies shut down?

Critical Thinking is Critical for Investors

We are not born to be critical thinkers, just like we aren’t born to be great musicians. It takes effort, time, and practice. Critical thinking requires us to:

  1. Seek all available information – not just the information at your fingertips
  2. Play devil’s advocate – what if the opposite is true
  3. Challenge pre-existing opinions/conclusions

Cognitively, critical thinking is hard; it is draining. Which is why our thinking often defaults to the path of least resistance. And this is why you have me. I will do the heavy lifting. Thinking critically about the economy, markets, and your options are essential to making wise decisions. It may not be natural nor easy to think critically, but together we can ensure your financial decisions are thoughtful and in line with your plan.

– Scott


©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network. Used with permission.

The Holy Grail of Investing

Most investors want to find the Holy Grail of investing – an investment that provides great returns with very little (or no) risk. Many investors consciously acknowledge that such an investment doesn’t exist. But we may still be attracted to that investment because of how badly we wish it would exist. And sometimes hope and desire, unconsciously, overrule logic and rationality.

A Recent Example

A few years ago, a mutual fund was created specifically for investors who disliked volatility. They wanted to “cancel” it. The fund marketed itself as one that would “harness volatility” and “make volatility your asset.” It also claimed to be uncorrelated to traditional stocks and attempt to achieve both capital preservation and growth. Sounds like a real winner!

As you can imagine, money poured into this investment. It was marketed as the perfect investment for those concerned about volatility. It did well for a while, but it blew up in just one week. All the money was lost in less than one week! Ironically, volatility, the event the fund was going to “harness,” caused the fund to blow up.

Looking Forward

When the media reports ad nauseam on the “concern of the day,” we can deduce that someone will create an investment product or strategy to “solve” the concern. Based on current headlines, we could see investments that claim to prosper during periods of inflation, stagflation, or “overextended” markets. No matter the concern, we can assume the marketing will be very good – an emotional appeal to alleviate our concerns.

Our emotions and unconscious desires often inhibit skepticism and reasoning. Acting on emotions is the natural first response for many of us. It’s just the way we are hardwired. Thinking logically takes effort. That is why you have me. Together, we can ensure that your investment decisions are free from emotion, unconscious influences, and in line with your plan.

– Scott

©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network. Used with permission.

Investing Amid Uncertainty

Many investors express discomfort when things are uncertain. This is especially true when experiencing “heightened uncertainty,” such as with the current Eastern European conflict.

However, uncertainty is not just a fact of economic and investment markets, it is a fact of life. Our future, by definition, is uncertain. There are times when the future is perceived as less uncertain (the sun will rise tomorrow), but there are seldom, if ever, guarantees of future outcomes. In other words, life happens in probabilities. Learning to consider probabilities into our decision-making process will help us become more comfortable living with uncertainty.

The Probability Problem

Perhaps the greatest challenge to thinking in probabilities is that it is just not natural. While our brains are filled with gray matter, they hate gray areas. They want to think in terms of certainty and will often convert a probabilistic scenario to either “will happen” or “will not happen.” An 85% chance of rain? The brain defaults to, “it’s certain to rain.”

When it comes to investing, we often hear terms such as “risk on” and “risk off” as if investing is just a switch. Many investors similarly think in terms of “all in” or “all out.” This type of binary decision-making is natural, easy, and reinforced by the media. But it may lead to costly investment decisions.

Investing Probabilistically

Investing probabilistically is about making adjustments to your allocation, rather than making a significant move that amounts to a bet on which way the market will go. When the risk/reward balance is perceived as unfavorable, perhaps a small shift to safer assets is in order. And vice versa when the risk/reward balance is more favorable.

Because we can’t divine the future, the correctness of an investment decision should be based on strategy and probability, not the final outcome. A good practice is stop guessing what the market will do in the future. It can’t be known. Instead, consider making probabilistic adjustments commensurate with your risk tolerance. That will help you become more comfortable investing amid uncertainty.

– Scott

©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network

The Challenge of Selling

Selling a security is something that investors ponder from time to time. Whether that security is an individual stock, a mutual fund, or an index fund, investors are left with the question of what to do with the proceeds.

No matter the reason for selling, it is important we have a well-thought plan for what we will do with the proceeds…before we pull the trigger.

Remaining in Cash

The default for selling securities is to remain in cash. Whether the markets are high or low, we may justify sitting in cash until the “uncertainty and tough times pass.” This logic relies on a significant (and incorrect) assumption – that there will be an all-clear signal that it is a good time to invest.

Sitting in cash may seem to be a comfortable and safe move, but it is fraught with uncertainties and long-term danger. When do we get back in? What if the market keeps moving higher? At what point do we realize that the train has left the station and we aren’t on board?

Investing in Another Security

We may sell a security with plans to invest in a different one. Sometimes we are influenced to buy a security that has been performing better than what we own. The question we must ask ourselves is: “What evidence do I have that the new security will perform better than the existing one?”

This is an important question to reflect and discuss with me. A lot of money has been lost because investors sold and bought at the wrong time. This happens with both novice and professional investors, including institutional managers.

In a study spanning 24 years, researchers analyzed the trading results of institutional money managers. They found that the stocks they sold subsequently outperformed the stocks they bought at a cost of over $170 billion. The abstract summarized, “Plan sponsors could have saved hundreds of billions of dollars in assets had they simply stayed the course.”1

Thoughtful Selling

Of course, there are occasions when selling a security makes sense. But that should only be after intentional thought and creating a “what’s next” plan. It is so easy to sell, and our emotions can sometimes get the best of us. But that is why I am here. I am here to help you make thoughtful decisions that are in line with your plan.

– Scott

©2022 The Behavioral Finance Network

1. Scott Stewart, John Neumann, Christopher Knittel & Jeffrey Heisler, “Absence of Value: An Analysis of Investment Allocation Decisions by Institutional Plan Sponsors”, Financial Analysts Journal 65, no. 6 (2009)